Running on Empty

Balancing Time – How To?
November 2, 2007, 8:20 am
Filed under: general thoughts, life | Tags: , , , , , , , ,


So I have recently taken a full-time position working for the school district doing IT. I am enjoying it as it is not terribly difficult to be productive and everything is fairly cut and dry. I have mentioned this earlier, but a new problem is starting to emerge.

I have not given up on doing design, but I think my ideas about it are starting to change. Working with clients is a difficult thing and it doesn’t really allow me to pursue the things I really want to do. That said, I am trying to figure out how to balance what I want to do with what I need to do.

What I want to do:

1. I really enjoy blogging and designing websites and seeing my ideas come into reality. The difficult part is that until something actually works out there is no money in this and it is just a hobby. I think I am learning about how to make sites more successful, but it takes a lot of time and hard work.

2. I have a wife and a daughter and we are now expecting one more. I like to spend time with them which was a large motivation in working for myself. This is another large part of what I need to balance.

What I need to do…

1. I need to work and make money. Money is not a particular value for me in that I am not the type to sell my soul for it. I don’t really love it, and I am happy to give it away when I have it. Problem is that I do need it. So this means that I need to have a job that makes money whether it be design or IT or otherwise. Right now it is IT, and I hope that if I can put the proper amount of time and resources into the other stuff it will become fruitful.

What I am doing…

1. I am working full time trying to make money.

2. I am working one sites at night a bit. Not as much as I would like, but I do need sleep.

3. Networking. I like to consider myself a people person. I like to meet people and I like to talk and hang out. This I think is one of the key things to successfully marketing a website. I have myspace and facebook and plenty of friends. But my friends are not really internet power users. They use it for what it is but they don’t spread the word. So I need to make new friends who do these things. The nice thing is that it works both ways. This may sound like using people but it is far from it. It is more like creating new resources. And if you are like me the resources are actually people that are fun to know.

So those are the three things that I am currently doing, to try to make the two things happen that I want to do, to generate the one thing that I need.

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